Discounts do not show up when booking your appointment but will be applied when you check out at the clinic. Only one discount is allowed per session; if you qualify for more than one, the largest discount is the one that will be applied.
Only one voucher may be used per session but may be used in addition to your discount.
Credits are cumulative and may applied in addition to any discount or voucher.
Seniors / Military / 1st Responders / Grade-School Educators Discount
Patrons 65 and older, veterans, active and reserve military, 1st responders, and grade-school educators receive a 15% discount on massage services.
ID for proof of qualification is required to activate this discount the first time you request it.
Membership Discounts
Customized memberships are available by request and range from 15-25% based upon the number of massages/month. Ask for details during your appointment.
Referral Credits
When you refer a new client with a referral card or one who includes your name at booking or when filling out the intake form as how they heard about My Elite Massage, $20 will be credited into your account, once they complete their first session, which will be applied toward the cost of your next massage, treatment, or self-care product.
Good Samaritan fund
If you are in pain and cannot afford your massage, even with a discount, your payment may be deferred or waived, dependent upon the health of this fund. Use the contact page to explain your situation and we'll get you booked for a 1-hour orthopedic or blended massage session paid by the fund. Simply replenish the cost of your massage to this fund whenever you are back on you feet financially so the next person in need can use it.
If you would like to be the good Samaritan for someone else in whole or in part, please let me know when you check out how much you would like to contribute towards this fund. Or if you simply would like to be available at the time to help financially when someone asks for it, let me know and I'll contact you when the need arises. Unfortunately, as this not a non-profit organization, your donation will not be tax-deductible; it's just being a good neighbor to someone in need.